Your Website to Community Safety in Grey, Bruce & Huron Counties
Do you know how to be prepared for the emergencies in your area? Would your child, alone at home after school, know the proper steps to take if the weather suddenly turned threatening?
This website has been designed by Bruce Power in partnership with neighbouring counties and health units to help every household in the area prepare for and respond to severe weather or other emergencies which might arise.
Although Canada’s nuclear facilities have proven to be safe and reliable, the industry continually works to improve safety and emergency preparedness, not only on site but within surrounding communities. This involves preparing for the unexpected, no matter how unlikely the event.
In the website you will find information on regional emergency preparedness for Grey, Bruce and Huron. The website includes information on our Be Prepared Grey Bruce Huron website, emergency public notification, a voucher to redeem Potassium Iodide (KI) tablets and various locations where you can pick them up.