Ontario is prepared to respond to nuclear emergencies both provincially and internationally. Bruce Power’s CANDU reactors have independent emergency shutdown systems that provide layers of protection against a nuclear emergency occurring on site. It is expected that systems and operators will always safely shut down nuclear reactors long before a serious event would occur.
In the unlikely event of a serious nuclear emergency, a radioactive release may occur that would take the form of a vapour-cloud, not an explosion.
Although a nuclear emergency at Bruce Power is highly unlikely due to the depth of defence, a detailed emergency plan has been formulated by the Municipality of Kincardine, Ontario Office of the Fire Marshal, and Emergency Management Ontario (EMO).
While a nuclear emergency or radioactive release is highly unlikely, it would take many hours and days to unfold, which would allow the public ample time to prepare.
Due to the proximity of Bruce Power, both The Municipality of Kincardine and the Town of Saugeen Shores each have detailed nuclear emergency plans for their municipalities.
Turn on the radio and listen to instructions.
Take your previously packed 72-hour emergency kit and ensure it has everything you need for a few days.
Turn off furnace, air conditioning and other air intake mechanisms.
Close and lock all windows and doors.
For Municipality of Kincardine residents a municipal Reception/Evacuation Centre will be held at the Kincardine Davidson Centre — 601 Durham St., Kincardine.
Additional evacuation centres may be stood up as required for other nearby communities.
Residents who have pets or livestock and are asked to evacuate may bring household pets with you. If you have livestock, place the animals in an enclosed shelter with adequate ventilation to prevent overheating. If you must leave your livestock or pets, ensure there is enough water and food for several days.
Planning Zones B1, B2, B3, & B6:
Evactuation route out of the Area is HWY #21 (S) or Bruce Rd. #23 (S)
Planning Zones B4 & B5:
Evacuation route out of the area is HWY #21 (S)
Reception/Evacuation Centre:
Kincardine Davidson Centre
601 Durham St., Kincardine
Planning Zone (see Map 1) |
Evacuation Route out of the Area | Reception/ Evacuation Centre |
B1, B2, B3, & B6 |
Hwy #21 (S) or Bruce Rd #23 (S) |
Kincardine Davidson Centre 601 Durham St., Kincardine |
B4 & B5 | Hwy #21 (S) |
The Community Emergency Management Coordinator for the Municipality of Kincardine maintains a call-down list for all households near Bruce Power’s perimeter in case action, such as sheltering or evacuation, is necessary. Municipality of Kincardine residents are encouraged to self-register with Kincardine Alert, the municipality’s emergency notification system. See page 28 for details.
Annually, Bruce Power and the Municipality of Kincardine conduct a full-volume test of the nuclear emergency public alerting sirens that are used to notify nearby residents of a nuclear emergency. The sirens are located within three kilometres of Bruce Power and operate simultaneously for two minutes.
Receivers are available to households within 10 kilometres of the Bruce Power site through the Municipality of Kincardine.
With people becoming more reliant on cellular technology and replacing their land-line phones with cell phones the ALERT FM Receiver helps to bridge this gap and provides a back up plan when cellular service is not available.
The ALERT FM receiver uses local FM radio frequencies to send out a text message that is fed by satellite. The ALERT FM is connected to the National Alert Ready Alerting System which broadcasts all threat to Life Alerts with an audible alert and text message within seconds. It’s important to read the message and take the appropriate action.
Government officials developed a specific list of the types of alerts that are considered a threat to life and should be “broadcast immediately.” Below is a complete list and description of these alerts:
To request an Alert FM, please contact:
Municipality of Kincardine,
Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC)
519-396-3468 ext. 7157
To learn more visit: www.alertfm.com
Municipality of Kincardine Emergency Management is requesting all permanent residents, seasonal property owners and businesses in the Municipality of Kincardine to self-register with Kincardine Alert emergency mass notification system.
The system will allow the emergency operations centre to quickly notify residents of adverse situations in the municipality.
Self-registration is free. However a cost from cell phone providers may be applied.
To register, follow the instructions in the link: www.kincardine.ca/KincardineAlert
Personal information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 for the purpose of creating a record to be used for sending notifications in an emergency.
Questions about the collection of the personal information may be addressed to:
The Clerk of the Municipality of Kincardine
1475 Concession 5, R.R. 5
Kincardine ON, N2Z 2X6
Phone: 519-396-3468